Who we are

Our website address is: https://twosistersandaplan.com/.

Privacy & Cookies: 

Third Parties such as WordPress and Facebook may use cookies to collect or receive information from this website.

It is twosistersandaplan.com policy to respect your privacy regarding any information we may collect from you or which you may provide to us, in the circumstances set out below. Accordingly, we have developed this privacy policy in order for you to understand how we collect, use, communicate, disclose, safeguard and otherwise make use of your personally identifiable information (“Personal Data”).

We will only collect and use your Personal Data where:

• we have lawful grounds to do so, including to comply with our legal obligations;

• we are performing a contract with you for our services; and

• we have legitimate interests in using your Personal Data and your interests and fundamental rights do not override those interests.

For the purposes of the EU General Data Protection Regulation ((EU) 2016/679) (“GDPR”), we, Brinda Berry/twosistersandaplan.com, are the “data controller”. If you have any questions about this policy or about how we use your Personal Data, please contact us via our contact details at the end of this policy. This policy is effective as of 4/1/20. We review our privacy practices on an ongoing basis, and as such we may change this privacy policy from time to time. Please check this page frequently to ensure you are familiar with its current content.


Do we use ‘cookies’?
Yes. Cookies are small files that a site or its service provider transfers to your computer’s hard drive through your Web browser (if you allow) that enables the site’s or service provider’s systems to recognize your browser and capture and remember certain information. For instance, we use cookies to help us remember and process the items in your shopping cart. They are also used to help us understand your preferences based on previous or current site activity, which enables us to provide you with improved services. We also use cookies to help us compile aggregate data about site traffic and site interaction so that we can offer better site experiences and tools in the future.

We use cookies to:

Compile aggregate data about site traffic and site interactions in order to offer better site experiences and tools in the future. We may also use trusted third-party services that track this information on our behalf, such as:
*Google Analytics

*3rd Party Plugins

*Facebook pixel

*JetPack traffic statistics

You can choose to have your computer warn you each time a cookie is being sent, or you can choose to turn off all cookies. You do this through your browser settings. Since browser is a little different, look at your browser’s Help Menu to learn the correct way to modify your cookies.

If users disable cookies in their browser:

If you turn cookies off it will turn off some of the features of the site.

California Online Privacy Protection Act

CalOPPA is the first state law in the nation to require commercial websites and online services to post a privacy policy. The law’s reach stretches well beyond California to require any person or company in the United States (and conceivably the world) that operates websites collecting Personally Identifiable Information from California consumers to post a conspicuous privacy policy on its website stating exactly the information being collected and those individuals or companies with whom it is being shared. – See more at: http://consumercal.org/california-online-privacy-protection-act-caloppa/#sthash. 0FdRbT51.dpuf

According to CalOPPA, we agree to the following:
*Users can visit our site anonymously.
*Once this privacy policy is created, we will add a link to it on our home page or as a minimum, on the first significant page after entering our website.
*Our Privacy Policy link includes the word ‘Privacy’ and can easily be found on the page specified above.

You will be notified of any Privacy Policy changes:
• On our Privacy Policy Page

You can change your personal information:
By emailing us
Personal Data we collect via our website
www.brindaberry.com (the “Website”)
Personal Data that you provide to us
We only collect Personal Data where you choose to interact with us on the Website in the following ways:

When you sign-up to receive free content, including eBooks, videos and offers;

• Email address
• First name
• Last name

When you purchase an item directly from us:

• Name
• Email address
• Phone number
• Any Personal Data which you provide to us in the free text box of the form
• Payment method choice (payment details are held by our payment processor, not us)

When you complete the media enquiries form:

• Name
• Email address
• Phone number
• Any Personal Data which you provide to us in the free text box of the form

Data that we collect automatically
We automatically collect certain information when you visit our Website – such as the type of browser and operating system you are using, and the domain name of your Internet service provider. We do not link this information with any Personal Data. We may also collect data automatically through our use of cookies on the Website.

Use of your Personal Data

We will only use your Personal Data when the law allows us to. Most commonly, we use your Personal Data to:
process and manage your use of our website; respond to your questions, comments and requests; where you have opted-in to receive marketing from us, deliver communications that are relevant to your preferences / may be of interest to you;
improve our services and Website through analysis of information.

Sharing of your Personal Data

We take your privacy seriously and will not share your Personal Data with others, except as permitted by applicable law or as set out below:

We share Personal Data as necessary with third parties who provide services or functions on our behalf and who require the information to provide those specific services to us. These third parties may include social media advertising platforms such as Facebook and Google Adwords for the purpose of custom audience generation and the development of targeting criteria for other audiences. Please note that we have appropriate data privacy safeguards in place with third parties with whom we share Personal Data as described above and who are providing services or functions on our behalf.

Keeping your Personal Data secure

We have implemented security policies and technical measures to safeguard the Personal Data we collect. We maintain physical, electronic and procedural safeguards that comply with applicable law, including the GDPR, to safeguard Personal Data from accidental loss, destruction or damage and unauthorized access, use and disclosure.

Fair Information Practices

The Fair Information Practices Principles form the backbone of privacy law in the United States and the concepts they include have played a significant role in the development of data protection laws around the globe. Understanding the Fair Information Practice Principles and how they should be implemented is critical to comply with the various privacy laws that protect personal information.
In order to be in line with Fair Information Practices we will take the following responsive action, should a data breach occur:
We will notify you via email
• Within 7 business days

Retention periods for use of your Personal Data

We will use and store your Personal Data only for as long as necessary, bearing in mind the uses of your Personal Data as described in this privacy policy and otherwise as communicated to you. We review the Personal Data we hold at regular intervals and delete permanently or anonymize any Personal Data which is no longer necessary.


This Website and our services are aimed at adults, and we do not knowingly collect any Personal Data relating to children aged under 16 years old. If you are under the age of 16, please do not provide us with any of your Personal Data, including your email address.

COPPA (Children Online Privacy Protection Act)

When it comes to the collection of personal information from children under the age of 13 years old, the Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act (COPPA) puts parents in control. The Federal Trade Commission, United States’ consumer protection agency, enforces the COPPA Rule, which spells out what operators of websites and online services must do to protect children’s privacy and safety online.
We do not specifically market to children under the age of 13 years old.

Access to and control over your Personal Data

You have legal rights under applicable law in relation to your Personal Data. You can ask the following questions, or take the following actions, at any time by contacting us via email sweetbiscuitpub@gmail.com or via our postal address: P.O. Box 374, Little Rock, AR 72203
• see what Personal Data we hold about you (if any), including why we are holding it and who it could be disclosed to;
• ask us to change/correct your Personal Data;
• ask us to delete your Personal Data;
• object to the processing of your Personal Data;
• ask us to restrict the processing of your Personal Data;
• withdraw any consents you have given us to the processing of your Personal Data; and
• express any concerns you have about third parties’ use of your Personal Data.

The CAN-SPAM Act is a law that sets the rules for commercial email, establishes requirements for commercial messages, gives recipients the right to have emails stopped from being sent to them, and spells out tough penalties for violations.
We collect your email address in order to:
• Market to our mailing list or continue to send emails to our clients after the original transaction has occurred.

To be in accordance with CANSPAM, we agree to the following:
• Not use false or misleading subjects or email addresses.
• Identify the message as an advertisement in some reasonable way.
• Include the physical address of our business or site headquarters.
• Monitor third-party email marketing services for compliance, if one is used.

• Honor opt-out/unsubscribe requests quickly.
• Allow users to unsubscribe by using the link at the bottom of each email.
If at any time you would like to unsubscribe from receiving future emails, you can email us at:
• Follow the instructions at the bottom of each email. and we will promptly remove you from ALL correspondence.


When visitors leave comments on the site we collect the data shown in the comments form, and also the visitor’s IP address and browser user agent string to help spam detection.

An anonymized string created from your email address (also called a hash) may be provided to the Gravatar service to see if you are using it. The Gravatar service privacy policy is available here: https://automattic.com/privacy/. After approval of your comment, your profile picture is visible to the public in the context of your comment.


If you upload images to the website, you should avoid uploading images with embedded location data (EXIF GPS) included. Visitors to the website can download and extract any location data from images on the website.

Embedded content from other websites

Articles on this site may include embedded content (e.g. videos, images, articles, etc.). Embedded content from other websites behaves in the exact same way as if the visitor has visited the other website.

Change of purpose

We will only use your Personal Data for the purposes for which we collected it, unless we reasonably consider that we need to use it for another reason and that reason is compatible with the original purpose. If you wish to have an explanation as to how the processing for the new purpose is compatible with the original purpose, please contact us. If we need to use your Personal Data for an unrelated purpose, we will notify you and we will explain the legal basis which allows us to do so.

Contact Us
Our full details are:
for Privacy Questions: contact@twosistersandaplan.com.

Postal Address:
P.O.Box 374
Little Rock, AR 72201

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Two Sisters and a Plan, LLC

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