Things I learned when I was pandemic years old

August 24, 2020
August 24, 2020
Things I learned when I was pandemic years old

Have you ever learned something new and thought, "Why did I not know this before now?!" Happens to me a lot. I thought I'd share the top 4 that I have stumbled upon in recent months.

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Have you ever learned something new and thought, "Why did I not know this before now?!" Happens to me a lot. I thought I'd share the top 4 that I have stumbled upon in recent months.

  • Home Depot will cut your lumber for you!

If you are like me, you love DIY but are not quite equipped with all the tools you need to get things done. A couple of months ago, I wanted to make floating shelves. I don't have a saw and didn't want to bother anyone that did have one to cut my lumber. I ended up going to Home Depot to pick out the lumber and discovered they would cut it for me to the size I needed. GAME CHANGER! That just opened up a zillion DIY doors! I'm sure you couldn't go in with your list of lumber to build a whole house, but for a board here or there, you're set.

I didn't end up using the cute pieces to make the shelves, but I did make good use of them as wood paintings. Here's one I did that I hung in my daughter's room.

wood painting
  • You can use toothpaste to hang your large wall hangings straight.

I can't even recall where I saw this nifty trick. I hate hanging things that are part of a group where they must all line up perfectly. Or those large hangings that have the double claws on the back. I usually don't take time to measure but instead use the "eyeball" method which does sometime result in multiple nail holes in the wall. To avoid this, take toothpaste and place a small dot of it on the hanging claw or hole on the back of your wall hanging. Then press it to the wall. The toothpaste will show you where to put your nail. I've tried this several times now and IT WORKS! Here's a group of 3 that look pretty darn straight to me.

easy hanging
  • There is such a thing as flavor infused vinegar (if you can't find the one in the pic at your local grocer, here is one that looks similar).

They sell them at my local health food store- The Natural Food Store. They come in many different flavors and even have a chart to show you flavor combinations. SO GOOD. I bought several. The one's I've tried are delish! I've used mine mainly on veggies and to avoid using oils. Here's a picture. Maybe you can find some to try.

flavored vinegars

Finally, and this is the big one, you can return Amazon purchases at Kohl's.

Wait. Whaaaaat? Yes it's true. I did my own snope investigation to make sure. Kohl's will give you your money there on the spot and take care of shipping your item back for you. You. are. welcome.

Do you have any revelations that I need to know about? Please leave them in the comments!

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