Lavash bread is a must have staple for your healthy kitchen. Versatile, easy recipes that taste delicious and are super low in fat, calories and carbs! Win, Win, Win!
Lavash bread is a must have staple for your healthy kitchen. Versatile, easy recipes that taste delicious and are super low in fat, calories and carbs! Win, Win, Win!
Well, maybe not 101 but I will definitely give you my top 5 today! If you've never had Lavash Bread, here it is:
First of all, the stats: (per serving) 60 calories, 1.5 grams fat, 6 net carbs, 0 sugar and 6 grams of protein. Each flatbread is HUGE and is actually 2 servings. I usually eat the whole flatbread! My top 5 meals/snacks to make with this tasty little jewel are:
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